Circle area online calculator

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on circle measurements and how to calculate them using the Circle Area Calculator. Whether you need to determine the area of a circle, this tool will assist you in obtaining accurate results effortlessly.

Understanding the properties of circles and their measurements is essential in various fields such as mathematics, engineering, and design. Let's delve into the equations used for calculating the area, circumference, radius, and diameter of a circle.

Calculating Area

To calculate the area of a circle, you need to know either the radius or the diameter. The formula to find the area of a circle is A = πr2, where A represents the area and r is the radius.

Given Radius

If you have the radius of the circle, you can easily calculate the area by using the equation A = πr2. Simply substitute the radius value into the formula, square it, and multiply by π.

For example, let's say the radius of a circle is 5 units. Plugging this value into the equation, we have A = π(5)2. Solving this, we get A = 25π square units.

Given circumference

To calculate the area of a circle from its circumference, you can use the following formula:

A = C^2/4*pi


  • A is the area of the circle.
  • C is the circumference of the circle.
  • π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

Steps to Calculate Circle Area:

  1. Measure or determine the circumference of the circle. This is the distance around the outer edge of the circle.
  2. Plug the circumference value (C) into the formula.
  3. Calculate C^2/4*pi using a calculator.
  4. The result (A) is the area of the circle.


Suppose you have a circle with a circumference of 20 units.

C = 20

Now, calculate the area using the formula:

A = C^2/4*pi

Using a calculator, you can approximate pi as 3.14159:

A = 400/4*3.14159

A ≈ 400/12.56636

A ≈ 31.83099

So, the approximate area of the circle is 31.83 square units.

Given Area

In some cases, you might know the area of a circle and need to find the corresponding radius. To determine the radius when given the area, you can use the equation r = √(A/π), where r represents the radius and A is the area.

Let's consider an example where the area of a circle is 64 square units. By substituting this value into the formula, we find r = √(64/π). After evaluating this expression, we obtain r ≈ 4 units.

Calculating Diameter

The Circle Area Calculator also allows you to calculate the diameter of a circle. The diameter is the distance across the circle passing through its center.

Given Radius

If you have the radius of the circle, you can effortlessly find the diameter using the equation d = 2r, where d represents the diameter and r is the radius.

For example, consider a circle with a radius of 6 units. Applying the formula, we have d = 2(6), which simplifies to d = 12 units.

Given Diameter

Alternatively, if you know the diameter and need to calculate the radius, you can use the equation r = d/2, where r represents the radius and d is the diameter.

Let's assume the diameter of a circle is 10 units. By substituting this value into the formula, we find r = 10/2, which simplifies to r = 5 units.


To summarize, we have explored various equations and methods to calculate the area of a circle using the Circle Area Calculator. These measurements play a crucial role in numerous fields, from mathematics to engineering and beyond.

By employing the appropriate formulas, such as A = πr2, C = 2πr, d = 2r, r = d/2, and A = πd2/4, you can find the desired circle measurements conveniently. Utilize the Circle Area Calculator online to simplify your calculations and save time.

Remember, whether you are given the radius or diameter of a circle, the Circle Area Calculator will enable you to determine the remaining unknowns with ease.

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